Lego Masters, an all-ages competition show, has just gotten a series order from Fox, to be produced by Endemol Shine North America and Brad Pitt’s Plan B, per a Hollywood Reporter exclusive. It originally appeared across the pond on the U.K.’s Channel 4, garnering praise equal to the much beloved Great British Baking Show.
Viewers are in for a build-off like no other. In Lego Masters, competitors are tasked with constructing their own Lego Masterpieces from their own imaginations. Twelve teams, comprising of kids, teens or adults alike, battle for the Lego Master title. Each episode, contestants are given vague instructions for their builds — for instance, build something that would look really dope when it’s smashed against a wall, hit with a baseball bat or detonated with the most delicate of explosives — and judged based on how they fulfill those instructions. By the way, those instructions were on a real episode of this show. Seriously.
Fox president of alternative entertainment and specials Rob Wade said of the show, “Lego Masters has everything you want in a reality-competition: an incredibly quirky and unique twist on a brand revered by billions of people, exciting team-based battles driven by creativity and a premise that’s ultra-family friendly. It’s bold, fun and unlike anything else on television, and we’re thrilled to bring Lego Masters to American fans.”
In its time abroad, Lego Masters has aired two season in the U.K., becoming the highest-rated new show on Channel 4, with more iterations in development for Australia and Germany on the way.
The premiere date is, at this time, unannounced, but Lego Masters will join Fox’s Hell’s Kitchen and So You Think You Can Dance.
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